We're Just inside McKeesport by the Dravosburg Bridge
Pleasant Hills:Cloverleaf onto Lebanon Church Rd, past County Airport at split bear right to Bechtel Bettis, at light bear right go down hill, cross Mansfield (Dravosburg) Bridge, make left go 1000 yds.
Monroeville:take 48 to 30, make right on 30w, left @ Eckerd’s onto 148, bear right follow thru McKeesport on Lyle Blvd, cross Youghiogheny River go approx ¼ mile. We’re on Right.
South Side: take E Carson (837) past Becks Run to the Mifflin Rd Exit. At second light stay straight on Mifflin Rd thru Lincoln Place (don’t take 885 which turns right and takes you to Lebanon Church Rd) pass BP and make left on Pittsburgh McKeesport Blvd, pass Bechtel Bettis go down hill cross Mansfield (Dravosburg) Bridge make left go 1000 yds.